Itinerary Trondheim-Lofoten-Trondheim

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TOUR 1 : 3 WEEKS IN THE NORTH = LOOP Trondheim - Lofoten - Trondheim



Small introduction:

(description of the tour is below)



Norway is a very large country. You will not be able to see everything in 15 days​​ for example.​​ Beware of maps: the driving times are​​ very​​ long given the state of the roads and the traffic​​ on only 2 lanes roads​​ with​​ trucks and motorhomes.​​ The best is​​ to choose​​ between North, Center or South.

Then everything depends on your preferences and expectations. If you plan to visit the country with your car, roaming from hotel to hotel or from camping to camping? If you can, we strongly recommend the camping car: Norway is the country of​​ motorhomes! everything is made for: you will find many stations​​ adapted for the used waters and for the refilling, many sites where you can park at night. On the other hand, in recent years Norway has become​​ VERY​​ popular and​​ motorhome​​ tourism has exploded ... so we recommend you avoiding​​ the months of July and August if you can, and aim for June or September​​ instead.



For a rental​​ motorhome, try the website:​​ It is a site gathering all​​ what​​ is to sell and to rent in Norway. Very well done and very clear. Well, yes, it's in Norwegian. But a priori you are not too​​ stupid and should​​ manage. Like any website, you have a series of filters that allow you to refine your search.

- choose the category 'Biler', then 'Bobiler' (motorhome)

- select 'til leie' as a filter in the 'Salgsform' category in the left column

You will have access to all motorhome rental in Norway! fantastic no ?!

You can then browse the available filters to refine the whole: 'område' the area where you want to recover the camping car, 'sengeplasser' the number of places to sleep, 'sitteplasser' the number of seats, etc ...

And do not hesitate to contact the owners. Most Norwegians speak perfect English!


We offer 3 circuits in the North, Central and South Norway. They are loops of 3 weeks each in 'slow travel' mode. They are feasible in less time, clearly, but you risk missing the real essence of Norway ...​​ If possible, prefer the 'slow travel' mode, to enjoy the scenery, stop where you want, where you feel it.

A tip: take your time, admire ... 😉



TOUR​​ 1 : 3​​ WEEKS​​ IN THE NORTH​​ =​​ LOOP​​ Trondheim - Lofoten - Trondheim


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A loop with departure and arrival in Trondheim.

This tour will allow you​​ beginning with​​ Trondheim, the capital of the kings of Norway - worth visiting (unlike​​ many​​ Norwegian cities which are not worth the trip, in our humble opinion).

So, roughly, count:

- 3 days on​​ Trondheim​​ (see our dedicated page).

- 5 days​​ for​​ the​​ journey​​ Trondheim​​ -​​ Lofoten:​​ leave north by the E6, then​​ north of​​ Steinkjer​​ take the​​ coast​​ road (Fv17), it will make you pass through grandiose landscapes, fjords, beaches, ferries, bridges, tunnels .. .Take this as far as​​ Bodø​​ where you will take the ferry to​​ Å​​ (yes, Å), the southern tip of the Lofoten​​ islands.

- 7 days in the​​ Lofoten​​ and​​ Vesterålen: gently​​ travel​​ the archipelago to​​ Narvik, take your time,​​ stop​​ for a walk, do not miss​​ Reine, the Lofoten pearl, the cod dryers, deeply inhale, it will be memorable...

- 6 days to​​ drive​​ back to Trondheim via the E6: the landscapes will be very different than along the coast, do not miss the center of the​​ Arctic Circle​​ and the​​ Namskogan​​ Zoo if you have children!



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